The Know Your Army Mela in Pune attracted a whopping 2.65 lakh visitors, offering them a firsthand look at the Indian Army’s capabilities and heritage. From armoured vehicles and artillery to advanced defence systems and infantry gear, the event showcased the military’s technological prowess. Cultural performances and tactical displays added a touch of celebration to the event, highlighting the bravery and dedication of the armed forces.

The seamless organization of the mela by Southern Command ensured smooth access for visitors and inspired the youth to consider a career in national service. The newly launched Southern Command app played a crucial role in engaging visitors, with thousands of registrations and booking requests pouring in within days of its launch.

Overall, the mela received positive feedback from attendees, with many expressing pride and admiration for the armed forces. The event has set a precedent for future interactions between the Army and the public, fostering a deeper understanding of the military’s role in safeguarding the nation. As the city gears up for the historic Army Day Parade on January 15, the Know Your Army Mela has already left a lasting impact on Pune’s history.

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