Koregaon Park in Pune recently saw a crackdown on illegal encroachments in an effort to improve safety for pedestrians and ease traffic flow. The Pune police, along with the Pune Municipal Corporation, took action in Lane 5 and Lane 6 over two days following complaints from residents.

Police Commissioner Amitesh Kumar stated that the operation targeted beggars, illegal hawkers, and eateries that were blocking footpaths. Measures were also taken against unruly motorists and vehicles causing congestion in the area.

Assistant Commissioner of Police Subhash Nikam outlined steps taken to manage parking, including designating certain areas as ‘no parking and no halting zones.’ Traffic violators were also penalized, with fines issued for violations such as triple-seat riding, no entry rules, and obstructing traffic.

A PMC official mentioned that the operation was part of a larger effort to clear encroachments in various areas of the city. Despite these actions, local residents, represented by Yogesh Pingle, expressed ongoing concerns about issues such as illegal businesses and increasing traffic congestion in the area.

The authorities have pledged to continue their efforts to maintain order and address the grievances of residents in Koregaon Park.

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