Leopard sightings have been making headlines in Pune recently, with another big cat making an appearance near Aryan School in the Crusher area in Katraj Ghat. Garage mechanic Sayyad Saif and his colleague Sajid Shaikh were lucky enough to spot the elusive animal and capture it on film.
According to Saif, they were driving in their car when they came across the leopard resting in a spot. As soon as it caught sight of them, it disappeared into the dense thicket. This isn’t the first time leopards have been seen in urban areas, causing concern among residents.
The increasing incidents of leopards straying into human habitats have become a growing issue in the district, with the latest sighting in Katraj adding to the fear of local residents in Gujar-Nimbalkarwadi, Mangdewadi, and Bhilarewadi. The forested area around Katraj Ghat is known to be inhabited by such wild animals, with other sightings reported in nearby villages.
Despite attempts by residents to contact Forest Officer Sambhaji Gaikwad for assistance, they have been met with silence. As the presence of leopards continues to be a cause for alarm, it remains to be seen how authorities will address the situation and ensure the safety of both humans and wildlife in the area.
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