Hey there, folks! Here’s the latest scoop from Yerawada – a life-sentence prisoner has pulled a disappearing act from the open prison at Yerawada Central Jail in Pune. The elusive escapee goes by the name Atmaram alias Atma Ladkya Bhawar and hails from Palghar district. Back in 2009, Bhawar was involved in a murder case in Devipada village, which landed him a life sentence and a fine of Rs 2,000 at Shahapur Police Station. To top it off, an extra six months of imprisonment was on the table if he didn’t cough up the cash.
Despite his checkered past, Bhawar’s good behavior earned him a spot in the open jail, where inmates get their hands dirty with some farming activities. All seemed well until Saturday, the 13th of July, when guard Tausif Sayyad noticed Bhawar was MIA during a headcount at 5 pm. Despite a thorough sweep by the prison staff, Bhawar was nowhere to be found. Cue the dramatic music – Hemant Patil, an officer at Yerawada jail, promptly reported the escapade to Yerawada Police Station. Enter Police Constable Jadhav, who’s now hot on the trail of the elusive Bhawar.
Stay tuned for more updates on this unfolding story as the search for Bhawar continues in Yerawada. Until next time, folks!
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