Vishrantwadi, 27th June 2024: In a recent turn of events, Mangesh Shivaji Panchmukh, a farmer from Ranjangaon Ganpati, has filed a complaint against four individuals from his village. The complaint alleges that one of the accused, Prabhakar Pandurang Bhosle, threatened Mangesh with a ‘revolver’ in his office. However, it was later revealed that the ‘revolver’ in question was actually a lighter.
According to DCP (Zone 4) Vijay Magar, Bhosle and Mangesh have financial relations, as Mangesh had sold his land to Bhosle and assisted him in other transactions. Bhosle had agreed to pay Mangesh a sum of six lakh rupees for his assistance, but after providing two lakh rupees initially, he was reluctant to pay the remaining amount.
The situation escalated when Mangesh started demolishing his house to build a new one, as he was facing accommodation issues. Despite repeated attempts to contact Bhosle for the outstanding amount, he refused to pay. This led Mangesh to file a complaint, hoping to secure the money for his house construction.
After providing a detailed statement to the police, Mangesh clarified that the supposed firearm shown in the video was actually a lighter. The lighter, which Bhosle had surrendered at the police station, was identified by Mangesh as the same item shown in the video.
The case is still under investigation as authorities are reviewing all aspects of the complaint and subsequent developments. Stay tuned for more updates on this developing story.
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