In a heartwarming incident in Alandi, a father and son duo from Haridwar faced a terrifying situation when their car was swept away by a stream due to heavy rains. The duo, Rajesh and Tushar Kohli, were in Alandi for cancer treatment when the incident occurred. Luckily, social worker Yogesh Bhosale from Charholi came to their rescue, displaying quick thinking and bravery.

The Kohli duo’s car was stuck and floating in the stream near DY Patil Road when Bhosale reached them. Despite the onlookers, Bhosale was the only one who took action and managed to rescue the father and son. Following the incident, the road was closed to prevent any further accidents.

The heroic act of Yogesh Bhosale has been widely appreciated, showcasing the power of selflessness and compassion in times of crisis. The Kohli duo was grateful for Bhosale’s quick response and hospitality, as they were later hosted at his home. This incident serves as a reminder of the importance of kindness and courage in the face of adversity.

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