The Lonavala Police have issued a safety advisory for tourists visiting the Bhushi Dam area, warning them to steer clear due to the high-speed water flow caused by heavy rainfall. The popular spot has become dangerous as water rushes down its steps at a rapid pace.
With 241.5 mm of rain recorded in the past 24 hours, the situation has worsened. The continuous downpour since last Saturday has led to significant water accumulation, resulting in the overflow of the Bhushi Dam and making it perilous for anyone in its vicinity.
Following an inspection this morning, police officials urged tourists to avoid the dam area to prevent being swept away by the forceful water flow. Additionally, waterfalls in the mountainous areas around Lonavala have also surged, adding to the hazards.
As this year’s rainfall has exceeded last year’s totals, an increase in tourist visits is expected. The Lonavala Police are reminding tourists to prioritize safety and to follow local advisories to avoid accidents during this period of heavy rainfall.
It is crucial for tourists to stay informed about weather conditions and cooperate with authorities to ensure everyone’s safety. Let’s all work together to prevent any mishaps during this challenging time.

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