Pune Metro is on a roll! Since the inauguration of the Ruby Hall Clinic Metro Station to Ramwadi Metro Station route, the number of passengers has been steadily increasing. In the month of July alone, a whopping 31,20,293 passengers hopped on board, with an average of 106,101 passengers per day. This surge in passengers has also resulted in a revenue of Rs. 4,98,04,817 for Pune Metro.
Interestingly, the most popular routes seem to be from PCMC Metro Station to District Court Metro Station (Purple Line 1) and from Vanaz Metro Station to Ramwadi Metro Station (Aqua Line 2). It seems like the Aqua Line is a favorite among commuters, as more passengers are traveling on this route compared to the Purple Line.
The introduction of the One Pune Card has also been a hit among passengers, with over 53,025 cards sold so far, including 11,646 student cards. Students especially are taking advantage of the 30% discount on fares with the Pune Metro Vidyarthi Pass.
With 24 operational stations, Pune Metro is making commuting easier for residents. The feeder bus service, in collaboration with PMPML, is also gaining popularity, with over 10,000 passengers using it daily. Routes from Ramwadi station to the airport and EON IT Park have seen a significant number of passengers as well.
Overall, the Managing Director of Maha Metro, Mr. Shravan Hardikar, is pleased with the increase in passengers and the positive response to the feeder services. Plans are in place to expand the services to more routes, making Pune Metro a convenient and efficient mode of transportation for all.
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