The Pune Porsche car crash on May 19 shook the city to its core, claiming the lives of two software engineers. In the wake of the tragedy, NCP MLA Sunil Tingre faced allegations of influencing the investigation in favor of the juvenile involved. However, Maharashtra Deputy CM Ajit Pawar has vehemently defended Tingre, calling the accusations baseless.
Tingre was accused of pressuring the police to show leniency towards the juvenile, but Pawar clarified that the MLA’s visit to the police station was part of his regular duties as a local representative. Pune Police Commissioner Amitesh Kumar supported this claim, stating that the investigation remained impartial despite Tingre’s involvement.
The government swiftly intervened, with Deputy CM Devendra Fadnavis ordering a thorough investigation into the incident. Negligent police officials and Sassoon General Hospital staff were held accountable for allegedly tampering with evidence. Reports suggested that the minor’s blood samples were swapped with his mother’s to manipulate the results.
Legal action has been taken in light of recent developments. The minor has been placed in an observation home until June 5, while his father and grandfather have been arrested for kidnapping the family driver and forcing him to take the blame for the crash. The teenager’s mother has also been detained in connection with the case.
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