Hey there, folks! It looks like the farmers in Maharashtra are gearing up for a ‘Milk Dindi’ to demand fair prices for their milk. Starting from Shikhar Shinganapur on Maharashtra Agriculture Day (1st July), the farmers will march to the tomb of Padma Shri Vithalrao Vikhe Patil Samadhi where they will begin an indefinite hunger strike.

Despite the White Revolution bringing a boom in milk production in Maharashtra, farmers are still struggling financially. They are demanding a purchase price of at least Rs 40 per litre to help them out of debt. Temporary subsidies are not cutting it anymore, and farmers are calling for a long-term milk policy to address the pricing issue permanently.

The farmers’ organizations have presented a list of demands to the Maharashtra State Government, including a 15% profit based on the production cost of milk, a Fair and Remunerative Price system similar to sugarcane, and measures to prevent milk adulteration and exploitation of producers.

The Milk Dindi is being organized by wrestlers Khandu Kharche, Hari Pawar, Satish Deshmukh, Mahesh Jedhe, and their colleagues. The schedule includes a stop at Rahuri via Gorakshnath Fort for an overnight stay before reaching Padma Shri Vitthalrao Vikhe Patil’s Samadhi for the hunger strike.

So, let’s keep an eye on this developing story as the farmers in Maharashtra fight for fair prices and a sustainable future for milk producers. Stay tuned for more updates!

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