In a groundbreaking move, the Maharashtra Government has announced that disability certificates will now be available at the taluka level, making it easier for persons with disabilities (PwDs) to obtain the necessary documentation. This new initiative will allow PwDs to access their certificates at 100-bed sub-district hospitals, bringing the service closer to those who need it most.

To ensure the smooth implementation of this new system, a committee of district-level specialists will be overseeing the certification process. The Health Department has directed all Deputy Directors of Health Services, District Surgeons, and District Hospitals to implement this approach. Additionally, special camps will be organized on the second and fourth Fridays of each month to address any pending applications.

This move is part of a larger effort to integrate PwDs into mainstream society. The government has mandated online disability certificates for all 21 categories of disabilities recognized by law. These certificates will be valid nationwide and will serve as a comprehensive document for identification and verification of disability status.

The new system offers numerous benefits to PwDs, including easier access to government schemes and benefits, elimination of the need for multiple copies of documents, and better tracking of beneficiaries’ progress. By simplifying the certification process, the government hopes to reduce bureaucratic obstacles and improve the quality of life for persons with disabilities throughout Maharashtra.

Deputy Chief Minister and Finance Minister of Maharashtra, Ajit Pawar, first announced this decision at the Purple Jallosh event organized by the Pimpri Chinchwad Municipal Corporation (PCMC) and Divyang Bhavan. At that time, Pawar also revealed a 50% concession in property tax as part of the government’s efforts to mainstream and support the differently-abled community.

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