In a groundbreaking move, the Maharashtra Government has made disability certificates available at the taluka level, specifically in 100-bed sub-district hospitals. This initiative aims to provide easier access to certification for persons with disabilities (PwDs) without the need to travel long distances.
Key features of the new initiative include a decentralized certification process, district-level oversight by specialists, and special camps to address pending applications. This effort is part of a larger plan to integrate PwDs into mainstream society and provide them with better access to government schemes and benefits.
In addition to the taluka-level certificates, the government has also introduced online disability certificates for all 21 legally recognized categories of disabilities. These certificates will have nationwide validity, simplifying verification and identification processes for PwDs across India.
The online system offers advantages such as nationwide validity, a simplified process, and improved tracking and monitoring capabilities. This new approach aims to make it easier for PwDs to access government schemes, reduce bureaucratic hurdles, and enhance their overall quality of life.
The announcement was made by Deputy Chief Minister Ajit Pawar during the Purple Jallosh event, where he also introduced a 50% concession in property tax for PwDs. These measures demonstrate the government’s commitment to creating a more inclusive society and providing support for individuals with disabilities.
Overall, the Maharashtra Government’s efforts to improve accessibility for PwDs through taluka-level disability certificates and online certification are significant steps towards creating a more inclusive and supportive environment for all individuals.
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