Former Minister of Women and Child Development, Maneka Gandhi, caused a stir with her recent comments on non-vegetarian food consumption during an event in Pune. She labeled those who eat meat as “traitors to the country” and urged people to switch to a vegetarian diet to protect wildlife and the environment.

Gandhi highlighted the alarming rate of deforestation in India, attributing much of it to the demand for non-vegetarian food. She emphasized the negative impact of meat consumption on wild animals and called for a ban on such foods to ensure their safety.

The event, held to mark the 10th anniversary of the Social Responsibility Group, was attended by several prominent figures, including Shekhar Mundada, Vanita Borade, and retired Colonel Dr. Nawaz Sharif. Gandhi’s passionate plea for vegetarianism sparked a lively debate among the attendees.

In addition to her stance on non-vegetarian food, Gandhi also criticized the state of zoos in the country, pointing out the lack of proper care for the animals housed there. She called for better training for zoo employees to ensure the well-being of the wild animals under their care.

Overall, Gandhi’s bold statements have reignited the conversation on the impact of food choices on the environment and wildlife, prompting many to reconsider their dietary habits in the interest of conservation.

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