The Pune Municipal Corporation (PMC) is currently facing a tough situation in dealing with the aftermath of the recent floods. With two vacant posts of Additional Municipal Commissioners, the workload has increased on the current officials. The State Government appointed four Deputy Municipal Commissioners a week ago, but their departments are still undecided, leading to speculation that they are lobbying for the ‘cream’ departments.
Former Additional Municipal Commissioners Ravindra Binwade and Vikas Dhakne have been transferred, leaving their positions unfilled. This has added to the burden on Additional Municipal Commissioner Prithviraj BP, who is already handling a heavy workload. Out of the 18 Deputy Municipal Commissioners’ posts in PMC, nine are filled by the civic body, while the remaining nine are appointed by the State Government, with five still vacant. This has resulted in Deputy Municipal Commissioners being given additional responsibilities on top of their own departments.
The recently appointed Deputy Municipal Commissioners – Asha Raut, Chetna Kerure, Sunil Ballal, and Prashant Thombre – are reportedly vying for desirable departments, with influence being exerted on top civic officials to secure their preferred roles. Meanwhile, Deputy Municipal Commissioner Sanjay Shinde was transferred for negligence in handling the flood situation in Ekta Nagar, but his new department has not been assigned yet.
Despite the worsening flood situation in areas like Ekta Nagar, Sangamwadi, Yerwada, Baner, and Balewadi, the Deputy Municipal Commissioners from those areas were overwhelmed with work, while the newly appointed officials from the State Government were reportedly sitting idle. This has raised concerns about the efficiency and coordination within the PMC during times of crisis.
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