Pune was in the midst of chaos over the extended New Year weekend, as the Mumbai-Pune Expressway experienced a massive traffic jam. The Pune-bound lane was particularly congested, with vehicles bumper-to-bumper for several kilometers. Travelers faced significant delays, with some reporting up to seven hours to cover the typically three-hour journey from Mumbai to Pune.

The surge in traffic was attributed to the five-day holiday window created by officegoers taking Monday and Tuesday off. The highway police confirmed the severity of the congestion, with queues of vehicles extending for 6-7 kilometers. Even diverting vehicles to the Mumbai-bound lane did little to alleviate the situation, as heavy and light vehicles caused a significant slowdown.

Tourist hotspots like Khandala and Lonavala only added to the chaos, with an overwhelming number of visitors contributing to the traffic jams. Travelers shared their frustrations, with delays of over four-and-a-half hours reported on the Mumbai-Pune route. One traveler described being stuck near Khandala for an hour, while another mentioned the nightmare of the ghat section till the Amrutanjan Bridge.

The authorities have advised travelers to plan their journeys wisely and expect longer travel times during the holiday rush. With heavy traffic expected to persist through Sunday, motorists are urged to exercise patience and caution while on the road. The situation serves as a reminder to always be prepared for unexpected delays when traveling during peak periods.

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