Hey there, folks! If you were around Swargate Chowk in Pune on August 17th, you might have seen a group of men’s rights activists making some noise. Yep, the Save Indian Family Foundation (SIFF) gathered there to protest what they claim is a growing gender war against men by society, the government, and the judiciary.

So, what’s got them all worked up? Well, the activists are pointing fingers at the alleged misuse of various gender-specific laws, like rape laws, the new BNS 69 law, the Molestation Act, and more. They’re saying that women, especially feminists, are using these laws as weapons to target men with false accusations.

The SIFF crew is raising the alarm about the flood of false cases against men, including rape, molestation, and more, that are clogging up police stations and courts. They’re also not too thrilled about this ‘ALL MEN’ trend on X (formerly Twitter) that started on August 15th. The activists claim it’s all about painting men as villains in the realm of sexual violence.

According to the protesters, innocent men are getting dragged into legal battles, losing their jobs, and even taking their own lives because of these false allegations. They’re calling out the legal system for failing to distinguish between real and fake cases and leaving the accused with little hope for justice.

Anil Murty, one of the bigwigs at SIFF, is pushing for some serious changes in the law to filter out false allegations right from the get-go. He’s saying that if the government had acted sooner, all this chaos could have been avoided.

Sameer Goel, another key player in SIFF, is taking aim at the courts and police for not doing enough to weed out false cases during investigations. He’s pointing out that when cases end in acquittal, the investigating officers often escape any consequences, leaving the accused to deal with a long and expensive legal battle.

The activists are also worried about this new BNS 69 law, which they claim unfairly penalizes men who try to end relationships while giving women a free pass. They’re concerned that this law will lead to more false cases, with women using the threat of rape accusations to control their partners.

The SIFF gang is demanding a crackdown on women who misuse legal protections to cover up their own crimes. They’re against the ‘All Men Are Rapists’ movement and want a more balanced approach to tackling sexual violence.

They’re backing up their claims with some pretty startling stats, like 74% of rape cases in India turning out to be false. They’re also highlighting the high number of men who’ve taken their own lives due to family issues and relationship troubles.

In a nutshell, SIFF is pushing for stricter policing, gender-neutral laws, and better mental health support for those caught up in legal battles. They want to see a change that protects everyone, not just one side. Let’s see if their demands make any waves in the legal arena!

Thanks For Reading Report of Punepress.com

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