Hey there, folks! If you were strolling past Westside Mall in Pune on Thursday, you might have come across a rather unusual sight. Activists from the ‘Mercy For Animals’ India Foundation staged a powerful demonstration to advocate for plant-based diets and combat animal cruelty.

The protest, titled “Peace Begins on Your Plate,” featured activists dressed as meat lying on a giant plate surrounded by vegetables. A large knife and fork were placed beside them, symbolizing the violence inherent in meat consumption. The message was clear: by choosing plant-based foods, we can promote peace and reduce the suffering of animals raised for food.

Kushal Sammaddar, the Organizing Coordinator at Mercy For Animals India, emphasized the importance of making compassionate dietary choices. According to him, animals endure immense suffering due to our thoughtless eating habits, and opting for a plant-based lifestyle can help create a more peaceful world for all beings.

The NGO behind the demonstration hopes that events like these will spark conversations about animal welfare and encourage individuals to reconsider the impact of their food choices on global peace. So, next time you sit down for a meal, remember that peace truly does begin on your plate.

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