The recent heavy rainfall in Pune has caused widespread damage and disruption, prompting Minister of State for Cooperation and Civil Aviation, Murlidhar Mohol, to take action. During a meeting with various officials, including Higher and Technical Education Minister Chandrakant Patil and Police Commissioner Amitesh Kumar, Mohol directed for immediate damage assessment and assistance to affected residents.
The focus is on providing essential services such as food, clean water, and health checkups to those displaced by the rains. Mohol also stressed the importance of informing the public about water releases from dams to avoid further stress and damage.
Efforts are being made to minimize academic loss for students, with plans to replace water-damaged educational documents. Mohol personally visited the affected areas in Pune, including Kachivasti and Ekta Nagri, to assess the situation and ensure relief work is carried out promptly.
Overall, the government is working to address the challenges posed by the heavy rainfall and provide support to those in need. Stay tuned for more updates on the situation in Pune.
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