The residents of Hadapsar were left in shock on Monday when Satish Satba Wagh, the uncle of MLC Yogesh Tilekar, was found murdered after being abducted in broad daylight. The 58-year-old Wagh was simply out for his morning walk when he was confronted by a group of men in a car who forcibly took him away. Witnesses quickly alerted the authorities, sparking a police investigation that led to the discovery of Wagh’s body in the Yavat Police Station area.
DCP R Raja assured the public that the police are diligently working to track down the suspects responsible for this heinous crime. While the motive behind Wagh’s murder is still unclear, investigators are considering financial disputes or personal vendettas as possible reasons. Senior Police Inspector Santosh Pandhare and the Crime Branch units are leaving no stone unturned in their efforts to identify and apprehend the culprits.

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