The monsoon rains have made an early appearance in South Tamil Nadu and Northeast India, bringing relief from the scorching heatwave and potential water scarcity. The rains began on May 30, two days ahead of schedule, signaling a significant change in the region’s weather patterns.
The Meteorological Department has reported that the monsoon has reached most parts of Kerala, as well as Nagaland, Manipur, Mizoram, Arunachal Pradesh, Tripura, Meghalaya, and Assam in Northeast India. Additionally, the monsoon is now active over Lakshadweep, the South and Central Arabian Sea, and South Tamil Nadu.
Dr. Anupam Kashyapi, a retired scientist from the Meteorological Department, has predicted favorable weather conditions for monsoon rains in Kerala, which arrived earlier than usual this year. He expects the monsoon to reach Maharashtra by June 5 or 6 without any delays and anticipates its onset in Konkan by June 6, albeit in a lighter form.
Normally, monsoon rains hit Kerala by June 1, but this year they arrived on May 30. Similarly, the monsoon typically reaches Northeast India around June 5, but this year it came a week early. Heavy rain is forecasted for the next four days across South India, including the Northeast.
The Meteorological Department has stated that the ongoing heatwaves in North India, particularly in regions like Rajasthan and Delhi, are expected to ease starting May 31.
Looking back at historical monsoon arrival dates in Kerala:
– 2013: June 1
– 2017: May 30
– 2019: June 8
– 2020: June 1
– 2021: June 3
– 2022: May 29
– 2023: June 8
– 2024: May 30
Overall, the early arrival of the monsoon in South Tamil Nadu and Northeast India has brought much-needed relief and may signal a shift in the region’s weather patterns.
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