Good news for the people of Maharashtra! The monsoon has finally arrived in Konkan, bringing relief from the scorching heat. According to Dr Krishnanand Hosalikar from the IMD in Pune, the monsoon had been moving slowly over the past few days, lingering in Kerala, Andhra Pradesh, and Karnataka before finally reaching Maharashtra.
In the next 3-4 days, we can expect rainfall in several parts of the state, with heavy rains predicted in Konkan, Madhya Maharashtra, and Marathwada on Thursday and Friday. Thunderstorms are also expected to accompany the rainfall in south Konkan, southern Maharashtra, and Marathwada on Thursday, and in south-central Maharashtra, north Maharashtra, and Marathwada on Friday.
So, don’t forget to carry your umbrellas and raincoats as you step out in the coming days. Enjoy the monsoon showers and stay safe!
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