Pune is currently being showered with rain, much to the delight of its residents who had been experiencing a dry June. The city has seen consistent rainfall since Sunday, with precipitation continuing into today.
The dam water levels are rising due to the steady rain, with 62% of the expected rainfall for July already recorded. The highest single-day rainfall was 34 mm on July 14, with 4.8 mm reported today. This morning, clouds covered the sky and rain persisted throughout the night, giving Punekars a true monsoon experience.
The hilly regions around Pune are also experiencing significant rainfall, with Tamhini recording 230 mm on Sunday. Other areas reported substantial totals as well, including Lonavala with 142 mm, Shirgaon with 168 mm, and Ambone with 190 mm.
In the last 24 hours, rainfall data for various areas includes 4.6 mm in Shivajinagar, 142 mm in Lonavala, 19.5 mm in Talegaon, 12 mm in Khed, and 11.5 mm in Dapodi. Other areas such as Chinchwad, Pashan, Rajgurunagar, Koregaon Park, Narayangaon, Hadapsar, Baramati, and Daund also received varying amounts of rainfall.
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