Pune experienced a much-needed heavy downpour on Tuesday evening, coinciding with the Lok Sabha election results day. The city streets were flooded with rainwater, providing relief from the warm and humid weather conditions. The monsoon has advanced from Kerala and is expected to reach Maharashtra soon, bringing pre-monsoon showers to the State.
Areas in the central Arabian Sea, Karnataka, and Goa have already been covered by the monsoon, with predictions that it will reach Maharashtra and Telangana in the coming days. Showers and thunderstorms are expected in various parts of the State, including Konkan, central Maharashtra, Pune, Solapur, Nashik, Kolhapur, and Satara.
In Pune, areas like Magarpatta, Pashan, and Koregaon Park received varying amounts of rainfall on Tuesday. Meteorologist Anupam Kashyapi predicts that the monsoon will hit Pune on Thursday and Mumbai on June 9, with the entire State likely to experience rainfall in the next few days. Stay prepared for the rainy season ahead!
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