The monsoon season has finally arrived in Maharashtra, bringing relief to residents from the scorching heat. The southwest monsoon made its official debut in Kerala a day earlier than expected on May 30. This early arrival signals the start of heavy rains in Maharashtra, anticipated to hit different parts of the state from June 1 to June 3.

Senior Meteorologist Manikrao Khule has given a detailed forecast for Maharashtra after the monsoon’s arrival in Kerala. Pre-monsoon rain activity is expected to ramp up across the state starting on June 3.

In Mumbai, isolated showers are predicted to begin on June 5, with a significant increase in rainfall from June 6 to June 8. Similarly, Pune, Nanded, and Satara should brace for increased rainfall from June 5 to June 8. Excluding Mumbai and Konkan, 29 districts, including Khandesh, Vidarbha, and Marathwada, are likely to experience rain and thunderstorms from June 1 to June 3.

Despite the upcoming rain, temperatures are set to rise in the next two days. Humidity and hot weather will persist in seven Konkan districts, including Mumbai, until June 1.

The India Meteorological Department (IMD) has confirmed the monsoon’s progress into North-East India and Kerala. The IMD forecasts that the monsoon will reach Maharashtra within the next ten days. As of May 30, 2024, the southwest monsoon has covered Kerala and most parts of Northeast India.

The IMD has hinted at light rain in Konkan today, with the monsoon branch strengthening and westerly winds off the Maharashtra coast becoming more stable. Pre-monsoon activities, including thunderstorms, lightning, and light rain, are expected to kick off from June 3, gradually intensifying. Pune is expected to receive rain from June 4 to June 6 before the monsoon fully sets in.

Overall, the onset of the monsoon brings a much-needed break from the intense heat in Maharashtra, with rain expected to pour in various regions starting in early June. The IMD continues to closely monitor the situation, providing timely updates and warnings to keep the public informed.

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