In a shocking turn of events, a 25-year-old woman in Pune has been sentenced to life imprisonment for the murder of her young daughter. The incident took place in Pune’s Warje area during a domestic dispute with her husband back in 2016.
Anita Sanjay Salve was found guilty of smothering her child with a shawl, leading to her suffocation. She then attempted suicide by hanging herself from a ceiling fan. The prosecution presented a strong case with 20 witnesses during the trial, where Salve confessed to the crime.
The motive behind the murder was Salve’s concern for her daughter’s future, along with marital issues and neglect by her in-laws. Despite the defence’s plea for leniency, the judge sentenced Salve to life imprisonment due to the severity of the crime committed against an innocent child.
The case was initially registered at Warje Malwadi Police Station, leading to charges being filed after Salve’s arrest. This tragic incident serves as a reminder of the importance of mental health awareness and support for individuals facing domestic issues.
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