Hey there, folks! Yesterday in Pune, a high-stakes meeting took place at the District Collector’s office regarding the Ayushman Bharat Yojana and Mahatma Phule Jan Arogya Yojana. It was a star-studded affair with Rajyasabha MP Dr. Medha Kulkarni, Prakash Shete, and other key stakeholders from the Pune district administration in attendance.
The main focus of the meeting was to assess the performance of hospitals in providing support to patients under these health schemes. MP Kulkarni raised concerns about certain hospitals lagging behind and discussed strategies to improve their services.
Surprisingly, it was revealed that only half of the expected Ayushman Bharat cards have been issued in Pune district, signaling a need for increased efforts to meet the target. Instructions were given to speed up the card issuance process to ensure that more people can benefit from these schemes.
MP Kulkarni had some specific instructions for Shete, the head of Ayushman Bharat Maharashtra:
1. Families with one card don’t need cards for every member.
2. Steps should be taken to resolve issues with the 12-digit number generation under the Food Security Scheme.
3. All hospitals should be included in these health schemes to reach as many people as possible.
The meeting saw the presence of District Collector Suhas Divase, Dr. Nagnath Empalle, Abhay Tidke, Swati Lokhande, PM Andhale, and representatives from various hospitals.
Looks like there are some big changes on the horizon for healthcare in Pune! Stay tuned for more updates on this developing story.
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