Hey there, Pune! It’s not all sunshine and rainbows for the employees of the Maharashtra State Road Transport Corporation (MSRTC) these days. They’ve been dealing with some serious financial woes, especially when it comes to their Provident Fund (PF) payments.

For the past four months, these hardworking folks haven’t seen a dime of their PF money. And to add insult to injury, the recent 15% hike in bus fares hasn’t done much to alleviate their financial stress. The administration claims the fare increase was necessary for buying new buses and getting the corporation’s finances back on track, but it seems like the financial crisis at MSRTC is far from over.

Transport Minister Pratap Sarnaik has been singing the same tune, saying that more revenue is needed to improve MSRTC’s financial health. But for the employees who are struggling to make ends meet without their PF payments, these words ring hollow.

Now, MSRTC is looking towards the State Government for help in clearing the overdue PF payments. But so far, no funds have been allocated for this purpose. Retiring employees are getting their money within a month, but those still on the job are stuck in a tough spot, unable to access their own savings.

To make matters worse, employees need a whopping ₹480 to ₹490 crore every month for their PF installments. With no end in sight to this financial nightmare, workers are left hanging as both the corporation and the government play the waiting game.

It’s a tough situation for these employees, and it’s clear that something needs to change soon. Stay tuned for updates on this ongoing saga at MSRTC.

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