Nari’yal Cosmetics, a beauty brand based in Pune, recently made headlines for their heartwarming addition to their team – an adorable kitten. The company celebrated this new member by hosting a traditional ‘naamkaran samaroh’ (naming ceremony), which was captured in a popular Instagram video.

During the ceremony, Nari’yal Cosmetics staff performed a traditional aarti for the white and orange patched kitten, named Cocaya. They adorned her forehead with a tilak and showered her with marigold petals, showcasing their commitment to traditional values and animal welfare.

The celebration continued with a cake-cutting ceremony, where a Nari’yal employee assisted Cocaya in ‘cutting’ a chocolate cake. The kitten enjoyed plenty of cuddles and food, making herself at home in the office.

Cocaya is a rescue kitten, found by two team members who brought her to the office. The company’s act of kindness has been praised by cat enthusiasts and animal lovers online, with many expressing their gratitude and offering advice on caring for Cocaya.

The heartwarming video has touched the hearts of many, with comments flooding in on Instagram praising Nari’yal Cosmetics for their compassion and welcoming attitude towards their new furry team member.

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