The Maharashtra Deputy Chief Minister Ajit Pawar recently made a statement regarding the questioning of NCP MLA Sunil Tingre by the police in connection to a fatal Porsche car accident that occurred in May. Tingre was reportedly interrogated for 4-5 hours, but Pawar emphasized that Tingre was not involved in any further developments of the case.

A senior police officer, speaking to Punekar News, revealed that Tingre was questioned at the Crime Branch unit 4 office in Range Hills. The officer mentioned that Tingre’s involvement in protecting the accused or influencing police officers was not confirmed, but did not provide additional information.

Two individuals associated with Tingre, Ashfaq Makandar and Amar Gaikwad, were also arrested in relation to the case. They were accused of acting as intermediaries between doctors at Sassoon Hospital and the father of the minor accused, facilitating the manipulation of blood samples to falsely indicate the minor was not under the influence of alcohol. The minor’s parents and hospital staff were subsequently arrested as well.

Tingre, who represents the Vadgaon Sheri constituency in Pune, faced allegations of interfering with the investigation and protecting the minor driver. Despite visiting the Yerwada police station after the incident, Tingre has consistently denied these accusations.

However, Tingre did not respond to requests for comment from Punekar News regarding his questioning by the Crime Branch.

The tragic incident involved a 17-year-old driving a Porsche under the influence of alcohol, resulting in the deaths of two IT professionals in Kalyani Nagar, within the Vadgaon Sheri assembly area. The driver is the son of a prominent builder.

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