In a bold move following their impressive performance in the recent Lok Sabha elections, the Maha Vikas Aghadi (MVA) is gearing up for the upcoming assembly elections later this year. The alliance, consisting of the Nationalist Congress Party (NCP), Shiv Sena (Uddhav Balasaheb Thackeray), and Congress, has declared their intention to contest the elections together. In a recent development, the NCP (Sharad Pawar faction) has laid claim to six crucial assembly constituencies in Pune.

A strategic meeting was held at the NCP Bhavan in Pune, where party leaders analyzed their strengths in all eight assembly constituencies in the city. Factors such as party influence, candidate availability, and electoral potential were taken into consideration. Prashant Jagtap, the Pune city president, presented a detailed report to senior leaders, including Jayant Patil, the state president, highlighting the NCP (SP)’s interest in fielding candidates in six specific constituencies in Pune.

The MVA’s decision to contest the assembly elections as a united front was announced at a press conference in Mumbai. Sharad Pawar, Uddhav Thackeray, and key Congress leaders shared their plan to join forces in a bid to strengthen their hold and increase their chances of winning a significant number of seats.

The NCP (SP)’s focus on the six assembly constituencies in Pune is a result of a thorough evaluation of the party’s current strengths and electoral prospects. Confident in their ability to secure victories in these areas, party leaders are banking on their existing support base and the popularity of their candidates to come out on top.

By strategically targeting the constituencies of Hadapsar, Wadgaonsheri, Khadakwasla, Shivajinagar, Parvati, and Pune Cantonment, the NCP (SP) aims to solidify its presence and influence in the Pune region. This calculated move is expected to bolster the overall success of the MVA in the forthcoming assembly elections.

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