So, here’s the scoop on the latest news from Pune. The city police had to hand over Amar Santosh Gaikwad to a special court on Friday. Gaikwad, along with another guy named Ashfaque Basha Makandar, is accused of greasing the palms of doctors to tweak the blood alcohol report of a 17-year-old driver who caused a fatal crash. The police decided to give up Gaikwad’s custody due to some new evidence that popped up in the case. Don’t worry though, they can always ask for him back if needed during the investigation.
Assistant Commissioner of Police (Crime) Sunil Tambe spilled the beans in court about this new evidence that led to the surrender of Gaikwad. Apparently, Gaikwad and Makandar were playing middlemen for the driver’s rich dad, who is a big shot builder. They were caught red-handed on June 4 and are now cooling their heels in jail.
The cops are leaving no stone unturned in this case. They’ve sent the hospital’s CCTV footage and call records to the forensic lab for analysis. Once they get the report, they plan to grill Gaikwad again with the new evidence.
Gaikwad and Makandar were not just doing shady deals for the dad, but also helping him sell flats for the past six months. The plot thickens, doesn’t it?
In a previous court appearance, three doctors – Dr. Ajay Taware, Dr. Shrihari Halnor, and Atul Ghatamble – got nabbed for their alleged involvement in this scandal. They were remanded to judicial custody for 14 days. Gaikwad and Makandar are now bunking in Yerawada Central Jail. Oh, and did I mention they both work for MLA Sunil Tingre?
This whole mess started on May 19 when a swanky Porsche Taycan, supposedly driven by the underage driver, crashed into a motorcycle, killing two IT folks. Talk about a real-life crime drama unfolding in our very own city! Stay tuned for more updates on this juicy story.

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