Exciting news for travelers passing through Aeromall! The airport is currently in the testing phase of a new service that is expected to be up and running within the next two to three days. This service aims to address the congestion issues that have been plaguing the airport, especially with late-arriving flights causing crowded conditions.

One of the key measures that have been introduced is a pin-based service for cab booking. This new system has already received positive feedback from passengers who have found it to be a convenient and efficient way to secure transportation. In addition, cab services have now been extended to the first floor of the airport, making it easier for travelers to find a ride quickly.

Previously, public cabs were only allowed to drop off passengers at the airport, but with the introduction of the new pickup service, travelers can now expect a significant improvement in convenience. This change will no doubt help to reduce stress for those who rely on public transportation to and from the airport.

In other news, the new terminal at Aeromall has introduced two electric buses that transport passengers from T2 to the main terminal free of charge. These buses have been a hit with travelers, ferrying approximately 3000 passengers every day. Additionally, the airport has made nine golf carts available for passengers who may need assistance getting around.

With these new services and improvements, Aeromall is aiming to make the travel experience smoother and more enjoyable for all passengers passing through the airport. Stay tuned for more updates as this exciting project continues to unfold!

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