Pune’s BJ Medical College and Sassoon General Hospital Dean Dr Eknath Pawar has issued a warning to doctors about asking patients to buy medicines from outside stores. He emphasized that the majority of patients at the government hospital are poor and should not be burdened with additional expenses for medication. Dr. Pawar, who also heads the Osteopathy Department at JJ Hospital in Mumbai, has taken on the additional role as Dean and held a meeting with the College Conference to address this issue.
During the meeting, it was discussed that doctors have been directing patients to purchase medicines from private stores outside of the hospital, which has led to complaints. Dr. Pawar made it clear that doctors should only prescribe medications that are available within the hospital premises and should not ask patients or their relatives to buy from external sources.
In an effort to restore the reputation of Sassoon Hospital, Dr. Pawar expressed his commitment to providing quality services to patients. He acknowledged that recent incidents have negatively impacted the hospital’s image and outlined plans to prioritize patient care and ensure timely and proper treatment for all individuals seeking medical assistance.
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