The recent viral video showing youths consuming drugs at a pub on Pune’s FC Road has caused quite a stir. The Pune Police wasted no time in taking action, with three drug peddlers being arrested in connection to the incident. This brings the total number of arrests to 13 since the crackdown began.

The video, filmed at the L3 Liquid Liger Lounge, captured partygoers indulging in illicit substances. As investigations unfolded, a local drug trafficking network was exposed, leading to the arrest of three individuals, including a Nigerian national. The police also seized drugs like cocaine and MD, believed to have been supplied to the youths in the video.

This incident at L3 Lounge, following a previous gathering at The Cult in Hadapsar, has sparked outrage over drug-related activities on FC Road. Concerns have been raised about the city’s law enforcement capabilities and the growing issue of drug abuse in Pune, a city once known for its educational institutions but now facing infiltration by drug mafias. Residents are frustrated with what they see as a breakdown in law and order, questioning whether the authorities are up to the task of maintaining control.

Recent cases, such as the Lalit Patil case and the Kalyani Nagar Porsche incident involving pubs and bars, have shed light on persistent issues despite supposed measures being taken. This latest incident serves as a reminder of the challenges in tackling the drug trade and the influence of pub culture on the youth. While police actions are vital, addressing this problem requires a holistic approach involving parents and educators to tackle the underlying social issues at play. It’s clear that a comprehensive strategy is needed to address the root causes of drug abuse in Pune.

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