Hey there, folks! Today in Kondhwa, something pretty cool went down at the Kausar Bagh Mosque. A special program called “Introduction to Mosque” was organized as part of the “Takreem-e-Insaniyat” campaign by Wahdat-e-Islami Hind.

The aim of the campaign is to bring people together and show that we’re all equal in the eyes of Allah. The program was all about giving non-Muslim residents a chance to learn more about the mosque, Islamic worship, and to have some peaceful dialogue with their Muslim neighbors.

Former Pune Mayor, Prashant Jagtap, was there with his crew, and they even got copies of the Prophet Muhammad’s Farewell Sermon in Marathi. Guest speaker Abdul Malik Wahab talked about the importance of human dignity and how we can all work towards a just society.

Visitors got to see a congregational prayer in action, which was a great way to show the importance of prayer in Islam. The whole event was about promoting equality and unity, with the core message being that we’re all equal in the eyes of Allah.

After the program, everyone enjoyed some tea and snacks together, showing that unity and brotherhood are what it’s all about. Participants were really grateful for the chance to learn more about Islamic teachings and practices and to connect with their Muslim neighbors.

Overall, the “Introduction to Mosque” program was a big success in bringing people together and breaking down barriers. It’s all part of a bigger effort to promote mutual respect and harmony in society. Let’s keep building those bridges and working towards a more inclusive and cohesive community!

Thanks For Reading Report of Punepress.com

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