The residents of Otur in Junnar taluka of Pune had a terrifying encounter with a leopard on Wednesday morning. A 27-year-old man, Gurunath Kisan Wagh, was attacked by the leopard while he was attending to nature’s call in the open. The sudden attack left Wagh with injuries, including a bite on his right shoulder and a scratch on his left hand.

Thanks to the quick action of Otur Sarpanch Prashant Dumbare, the Forest Department was promptly informed about the incident. Wagh was rushed to the Otur Primary Health Centre, where he received treatment from a team of doctors led by Medical Officer Dr. Shrihari Sarokte.

Following the incident, the Forest Department took proactive measures to prevent further human-leopard conflicts. They set up a cage at the site of the attack and educated the public on safety guidelines to avoid such encounters in the future. The injured man was later transferred to Narayangaon Rural Hospital for further treatment.

This incident serves as a reminder of the importance of coexisting with wildlife and taking necessary precautions to ensure the safety of both humans and animals in the area.

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