Pune Municipal Corporation has cracked down on encroachments in the Ahmednagar Road area, with over 200 illegal structures being removed in the past three days. The action, directed by the Municipal Commissioner, involved a joint effort by three ward offices within zone 1 of the PMC.
Areas such as Mantri Market and Kharadi Bypass saw the demolition of 102 illegal handcarts, stalls, counters, and huts. Additionally, 30 unauthorised stalls in front of Gera Barkleys in the Kharadi IT Park area were also razed as part of the drive.
The Building Department and Anti-Encroachment Department worked together to take action against 72 illegal businesses, including handcarts, stalls, hawkers, and hutments. The joint operation was carried out under the supervision of the Deputy Municipal Commissioner, zone 1, and Junior Engineers Mangesh Gaikwad and Umesh Godge, along with Encroachment Inspector Subhash Talekar.
Personnel and officials from the A’Nagar Road Ward Office, Yerwada-Kalas-Dhanori Ward Office, and Dhole Patil Ward Office participated in the coordinated effort to clear the area of encroachments. The swift action reflects the commitment of the PMC to maintaining a clean and orderly city for its residents.
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