Hey Pune peeps, some drama is unfolding in Pimpri Chinchwad Municipal Corporation! The Commissioner, Shekhar Singh, has ordered to blacklist a company called ‘Dilliwala and Sons’ for some shady business. Apparently, they have been caught embezzling a whopping Rs 1.22 lakh by messing with payment receipts. Yikes!
On another note, the burial of dead animals has also been in the spotlight. Previously, animals were buried at a place called J Block, Gavali Matha, in Bhosari, MIDC. But now, with the approval of Pune Municipal Corporation, the burning of animals has started using an incineration machine at Naidu Pond. However, it seems like ‘Dilliwala and Sons’ were involved in this too, charging Rs 3,000 for each large dead animal cremation.
But hold up, turns out they were up to no good again! An advocate named Manish Kamble raised a complaint with PMC, leading to a revelation that ‘Dilliwala and Sons’ had tampered with payment receipts. The difference between the receipts submitted by the company and the actual combustion charges amounted to Rs 1.22 lakh.
Commissioner Singh wasted no time in taking action, ordering the blacklisting of ‘Dilliwala and Sons’ and planning to file a case against the directors. Deputy Commissioner Sandeep Khot from the Veterinary Department mentioned that the company had been given multiple notices but failed to provide a satisfactory response. Looks like they’re in hot water now! Stay tuned for more updates on this juicy scandal.
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