1. The PCMC has taken a bold step to tackle defaulters by sending detailed lists of names and amounts owed to society presidents. The aim is to ensure transparency and prompt payment of dues.
  2. Society presidents are being urged to display these lists on notice boards and share them on society WhatsApp groups. It is hoped that members with pending dues will take immediate action to clear their payments.
  3. A property survey conducted by M/s Sthapatya Consultants Pvt. Ltd. is currently underway to register and assess unassessed properties in the city. Despite repeated appeals, some defaulters have not paid their dues, leading to a total of ₹69.56 crore in outstanding payments.
  4. Society presidents will be receiving lists of defaulters along with pending amounts owed. They are being encouraged to take proactive steps to ensure members settle their dues promptly through the online system.
  5. The PCMC is committed to ensuring that all property taxes are paid in a timely manner. By sharing lists of defaulters with society presidents, the department hopes to increase accountability and prompt payment among residents.

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