Crime against women in Pune is on the rise, with disturbing incidents being reported in different parts of the city. Recently, a 39-year-old woman in Yerwada was shocked to find out that her 24-year-old neighbour, Vishwajit Shankar Patil, had secretly filmed her while she was taking a bath. The woman immediately lodged a complaint at the Yerwada Police Station, and the accused has been charged under sections 354 and 354(c)(d) of the IPC.

In another incident in the Padmavati area, a woman had a terrifying experience when a man entered her home, made inappropriate comments, and behaved inappropriately towards her. The 22-year-old victim bravely reported the incident to the Sahakar Nagar Police Station, where the accused, Yuvraj Jambu Kamble, was identified as the perpetrator.

These incidents serve as a stark reminder of the importance of women’s safety and the need for communities to come together to combat such crimes. The police are actively investigating both cases to ensure that justice is served and that the perpetrators are held accountable for their actions.

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