The Pune Municipal Corporation (PMC) has made headlines with their recent enforcement action in Undri and Mohammadwadi, demolishing a total of 64,545 square feet of illegal constructions. Among the establishments affected by this crackdown are popular spots like Mohammadwadi Bar and Bakery, Garlic Hotel, and Highland Bar.
This move comes in the wake of a drug-related incident at L3 Lounge on FC Road, which exposed numerous irregularities and unauthorized constructions. The PMC is determined to rectify these violations and ensure that municipal regulations are strictly adhered to.
By cracking down on illegal constructions, the PMC is sending a clear message about the importance of compliance with city planning and safety standards. This is just the latest effort in their ongoing campaign to address unauthorized constructions throughout Pune, with more actions expected in the future.
Overall, this enforcement action highlights Pune’s commitment to upholding law and order and maintaining public safety. Stay tuned for further updates on this developing story.
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