Waterlogging in Pune during the monsoon season has been a recurring issue that the Pune Municipal Corporation (PMC) is determined to tackle head-on. The PMC has identified problem areas such as Yerawada, Vimannagar, Sinhagad Road, Koregaon Park, and others, where heavy rains have caused significant waterlogging.
To address these issues, the PMC has started implementing proactive measures. The drainage department conducted thorough inspections to assess the extent of the problem and quickly moved to address the identified waterlogging hotspots. One key initiative involves raising drainage chambers to align with road levels, allowing for smoother water flow and reducing the risk of flooding.
Infrastructure upgrades are also underway, with the construction of new drainage chambers in areas like VR Shinde Road in Bibvewadi and Pulachiwadi at Deccan Gymkhana. Stormwater line connection work has also begun to link culverts and enhance drainage capacity, showing the municipality’s commitment to strengthening infrastructure resilience.
Strategic interventions, such as breaking footpaths at Shivaji Chowk on Satara Road, are being implemented to enhance surface water runoff and alleviate waterlogging in low-lying areas. These measures aim to minimize the accumulation of rainwater and prevent disruptions to traffic flow.
Senior officials, including the PMC Commissioner and additional commissioner, have been actively involved in supervising the progress on the ground. Their hands-on approach demonstrates the municipality’s dedication to addressing citizen concerns and ensuring the effectiveness of the solutions being implemented.
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