Pune is set to upgrade its public amenities with the introduction of seven state-of-the-art air-conditioned VIP toilets at major entry points to the city. These premium facilities will offer a range of modern amenities such as separate toilets for men, women, and transgender individuals, accessibility features for persons with disabilities, and even mobile and laptop charging points.

The Pune Municipal Corporation (PMC) is focusing on hygiene and comfort, ensuring that these facilities adhere to world-class standards of cleanliness and functionality. The cost for constructing each VIP toilet is estimated at ₹50 lakh, with the PMC exploring innovative revenue models to fund and maintain the facilities.

Deputy Chief Minister Ajit Pawar’s directive to improve infrastructure and enhance commuter experience in Pune has led to this initiative. Sandeep Kadam, Head of the Solid Waste Management Department, stated that the goal is to provide world-class amenities to passengers while ensuring inclusivity and convenience.

By offering a comfortable and hygienic stop for long-distance travelers, these VIP toilets aim to enhance the overall passenger experience. With a focus on inclusivity and sustainability, the PMC’s plan to introduce these facilities is a step towards modernizing public infrastructure and setting a new benchmark in public sanitation in Pune.

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