PMPML, the Pune Mahanagar Parivahan Mahamandal Ltd, has just launched the iOS version of its popular live tracking app, Apli PMPML, on Republic Day. With features like real-time bus tracking, route planning, online ticket booking, and complaint lodging, the app aims to enhance the travel experience for commuters in Pune.

The Android version of the app, launched last August, has already gained over 10 lakh users. The new iOS version is expected to further expand its reach. The app is currently generating daily revenue of around Rs 19 lakh, with projections indicating that it will soon surpass Rs 25 lakh.

While the Android version was released on time, the iOS version faced a delay due to finalizing an agreement with Apple and higher development costs. However, the app went through necessary quality checks before being made available to the public.

In addition to the app launch, PMPML has also implemented upgrades like LED display boards in buses and next-stop announcement systems to improve the overall commuter experience. These enhancements, along with the digital advancements, are helping PMPML transform Pune’s public transport system into a smarter and more efficient mode of travel.

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