Pune’s public transport is set to receive a major boost with the repurposing of land near the Aundh octroi post into a new bus depot and parking area. The decision, made after a meeting involving PMPML officials, PMC, and MLA Siddharth Shirole, aims to optimize the strategic location near the Rajiv Gandhi bridge.
The plot, which has been underutilized for years, currently houses defunct buses rented by PMPML from private contractors. Plans to clear the area and convert it into a functional depot and parking facility are underway. This move is expected to address concerns related to roadside parking of buses and improve overall transport efficiency.
Local activists, such as Vikram Gaikwad from Narhe, have welcomed the decision, highlighting the potential reduction in congestion caused by parked buses. They have called for comprehensive policies to ensure effective utilization of designated bus depots for better urban transport management.
In the future, PMPML will develop detailed plans for the layout and construction of the new depot, aligning with efforts to enhance public transport infrastructure and reduce environmental impact from urban congestion. This initiative signals a positive step towards improving Pune’s public transport system.
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