Illegal construction in Pune has once again come under the spotlight, with the PMRDA taking a strong stance against violators. The recent case of two individuals from Gahunje, Indaram Choudhary and Deepak Kumar Sahani, highlights the ongoing issue of unauthorised constructions in the city.
Despite being issued notices to halt their illegal construction activities, both Choudhary and Sahani continued to build four-story buildings without the necessary permissions. The PMRDA had previously warned them to remove the unauthorised structures, but they chose to defy the orders and carry on with their construction work.
Junior Engineer Ganesh Jadhav took matters into his own hands and filed complaints with the Talegaon Dabhade Police Station, resulting in cases being registered against both individuals. Choudhary and Sahani blatantly ignored the PMRDA’s directives and continued with their construction projects, leading to legal action being taken against them.
The Talegaon Dabhade police are currently conducting investigations into the matter, as illegal constructions within the PMRDA limits have been a cause for concern. With the conclusion of the Assembly Elections’ code of conduct, the authorities have now resumed their crackdown on such violations, issuing notices to remove unauthorised buildings and initiating legal proceedings against those who persist in their illegal activities.
As the PMRDA continues to tackle illegal construction in Pune, it is evident that strict enforcement measures are necessary to curb this rampant issue and maintain the city’s urban landscape.
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