In a recent shakeup within the Pune City Police Force, six Assistant Commissioners of Police have been internally transferred for administrative purposes. Police Commissioner Amitesh Kumar stated that these changes were necessary for better organization within the force. Here are the names of the officers who have been transferred:
1. ACP Vitthal Digambar Dabade – From Special Branch 1 to Khadki Division
2. ACP Anuja Ajit Deshmane – From Khadki Division to Faraskhana Division
3. ACP Anuradha Vitthal Udmale – From Special Branch 2 to Hadapsar Division
4. ACP Nutan Vishwanath Pawar – From Faraskhana Division to Special Branch 2
5. ACP Atulkumar Yashwant Navgire – From Transport Branch to Special Branch 1
6. ACP Ashwini Ganesh Rakh – From Hadapsar Division to Transport Branch
Additionally, 10 Assistant Police Inspectors and 15 Police Sub-Inspectors have also been transferred internally based on their requests. This reshuffle aims to streamline operations within the Pune City Police Force and improve efficiency in serving the community.
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