In a shocking incident in Pune, a police inspector from the Nanded district has been accused of threatening a man with his service weapon. The altercation took place on May 12 near Vitthal Mandir in Sutarwadi, Pashan.
According to reports, the man, who works as a senior analyst with a finance company, was unloading items from his car when the driver of a four-wheeler behind him began honking continuously. This led to a heated argument, during which the police inspector and two others allegedly verbally abused and threatened the man. The inspector even brandished his pistol in an attempt to intimidate the man.
The incident has resulted in the inspector and his accomplices being booked under various sections of the Arms Act and the Indian Penal Code. Despite the seriousness of the allegations, no arrests have been made yet, as the police claim that an internal inquiry is ongoing.
Legal experts have expressed their concern over the incident, with one lawyer stating that the illegal use of a weapon by a police officer is a grave matter that should be thoroughly investigated. The Nanded Police SP has also reportedly taken administrative action against the inspector for his alleged misconduct.
The case has raised questions about the accountability of law enforcement officers and the need for strict measures to prevent such incidents in the future. It remains to be seen how the authorities will handle the situation and ensure justice for the victim.
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