Good news for Maharashtra residents as the monsoon season finally begins to retreat, making way for some much-needed rain. According to the Indian Meteorological Department (IMD), isolated places in the state can expect showers with thundershowers from 9th to 12th October.
The IMD has observed that monsoon winds are pulling back from Maharashtra, while humid winds from the Bay of Bengal are setting the stage for rain accompanied by lightning and thunder. These showers are likely to occur in the evenings as the hot and dry air rises into the upper atmosphere. Despite rising temperatures during the day, the IMD predicts rainfall in the evenings due to local weather dynamics.
Although the IMD had initially forecasted above-average rainfall for October, retired scientist Anupam Kashyapi believes that the actual rainfall may be less than expected. Another retired IMD scientist, Manikrao Khule, explains that heavy rainfall in the Northeast and Himalayan foothills can impact Central India, including Maharashtra, causing a delay in the onset of rain. However, Khule reassures that there is a possibility of rain from 9th to 13th October.
So, keep your umbrellas handy and enjoy the refreshing showers as the monsoon bids farewell to Maharashtra.
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