The city of Pune has been rocked by a scandal involving a probationary Police Sub Inspector (PSI) who allegedly leaked information to the owner of a hookah parlour. The incident came to light after Police Commissioner Amitesh Kumar ordered raids on hookah parlours in the city, leading to the suspension of the accused police official, Vishal Pawar.
It was revealed that Pawar had been in contact with the owner of a hookah parlour, warning him of a possible raid by the police. The owner, Rahul Surekha Jainsinghal, admitted to paying Pawar Rs 20 thousand per month for the inside information.
Further investigation uncovered a phone call between Jainsinghal and Pawar, as well as a WhatsApp message from Pawar to Jainsinghal warning of the impending raid. Pawar, who had been working as a probationary police officer since January 2024, has now been suspended from service.
The scandal has raised concerns about the possible nexus between police officers and criminals in Pune, with allegations of corruption and collusion. The Police Commissioner and Deputy Commissioner have ordered action against the hookah parlours in the city, with a focus on cracking down on illegal activities.
The incident has shocked residents of Pune, who are calling for transparency and accountability in the police force. It remains to be seen how the authorities will address this issue and ensure the safety and security of the city.
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